Indonesian Food : Original Recipe of Gado - gado ( Mixed Vegetables with Peanut Sauce)

Who's ever come to Indonesia before? If you did, i think you definitely ever heard about it or maybe tasted it. Well, Gado - gado is Indonesian Food that made from various kinds of Vegetables which are previously boiled first then poured with delicious peanut sauce.

Gado - gado is a well-known food and one of the favorites food for native, you can find it easily..almost in all part of this country. If there is no one selling it then you will easily find the ingredients for you to make it yourself..

But, how if you're not here..take it easily, i'll tell you the recipe 😁 IT'S SIMPLE

The Ingredients

For the Sauce

2 handfuls of ground peanuts (fried)
1 clove of garlic (medium size)
1-2 red chillies
Any kinds of papper that you like (for more spicy but it's optional)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon shrimp paste (optional - burn first)
25 - 50 gr palm sugar
Enought hot water

For the Vegetables

1 - 2 handsfull of bean sprouts
1 Water spinach ( take edible part)
4 Long beans (cut into the short size)
1 Cucumber (cut into 2/4 then rough slices)
1/4 Cabbage (thin/large slices)

You also can add

Fried onions
Sweet soy sauce
Lime, juice of
Boiled eggs
Fried/boiled potatoes (diced)
Fried tempe (diced)
Fried tofu (diced)
Kerupuk / Emping (Indonesian Crackers) Additional types of vegetables that you like

How you make it
  1. Make the Sauce : put all sauce ingredients to the mixer then mix it
  2. Boil all the vegetables that have been cut until non- rigid ( you can taste it when it's boiling to make sure that the tecsture is good) then drain, continue with boiling eggs (optional)
  3. While you're boiling the vegetables or eggs, fry the potatoes, tempe, tofu until golden brown then drain (optional)
  4. Prepare the plate then put all the vegetables, potatoes, tempe, tofu, boiled eggs to it, poured with peanut sauce
  5. Add some another side ingredients
  6. And you ready to taste it! Goditi Il ​​Cibo 😊

Nb :
  1. Making sauce first is better than you boiling the Vegetables first because you can measure the amount of Vegetables that you will be used (for the first try)
  2. I suggest to use mortar and pestle to make the sauce, makes tastier
  3. The tecsture of the sauce is not too thick and not too runny, so it'll be better if you pour the hot water with the least amount first

How? It's SIMPLE  right? I hope you like and enjoy the Gado - gado 😊
Anyway this is my first post, if there are some critics or suggestions please leave a comment 😁 Thank you!
